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Winter Is Here! Here’s A Cool Plan For Broadcasters To Ensure Maximum Viewership

Winter is just around the corner. It’s that time of year when people choose to stay indoors and consume a lot of TV. The final quarter of the year usually registers the highest TV viewership, which means it’s a great time to promote your shows and ensure maximum conversion of new channel viewers.  

Until recently, broadcasters in India did not have access to accurate, real-time TV viewership data. They were not aware of individual TV viewership habits and granular geo data of their TV markets. It was not possible for them to interact with their TV audiences on mobile and other digital devices. But now, using proprietary ACR technology, broadcasters can understand TV viewership among individual TV viewers and use this to engage relevant audiences with promos on second-screen devices.


Here’s how Zapr can help you ensure your shows and channels acquire new viewers while retaining the loyalty of your existing audiences:

1. Acquire new viewers

A great way to acquire new viewers is by engaging active TV viewers who belong to your TG and getting them to tune into your channel. For example, you can target all viewers of the “supernatural drama” genre who watch other channels and bring them onto your shows. This kind of engagement creates excitement in aficionados of a genre and makes them want to check out your show, directly impacting your viewership and TRPs.

A Tamil Reality TV show engaged close to 5 lakh IPL audiences and competition channel viewers on mobile, converting 61.63% of promo viewers into show viewers.

2. Maintain loyalty 

To maintain loyalty for existing TV viewers, broadcasters can target channel viewers who have not watched their TV promos, directly on their phones. They can also increase the frequency of exposure for those who already watched the promos, by showing it to them a few more times. This ensures that their content titles stay fresh in people’s minds, and increases the chances of them tuning in.

3. Win back lapsers / drop-outs 

You can identify people who stopped watching your show or channel and target them. They might have gotten sidetracked or moved on to a competitor’s show. With enticing promos, you can easily win back their attention. Moreover, these viewers, also known as “dropouts” can be identified and profiled demographically (age, gender), and also by affluence levels based on the kind of phones they use (low, mid, or high priced devices).


There is an ocean of TV viewership data that you can tap into to understand your audiences and grow viewership. Not only can these insights help you grow and retain your viewers but also understand the kind of content that works best for your audiences. Learn how broadcasters got high engagement and deterministic promo-to-show conversions by engaging TV audiences on mobile during festive and IPL season!

If you’re interested to know more, simply click on the ‘get in touch’ button on top, and one of our media experts will get back to you shortly.


Zapr Media Labs
Zapr Media Labs
Latest resources on TV Advertising, Cross-media Marketing and Consumer Research.

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