Despite the general mixed reaction to the debut airing of 'The Kapil Sharma Show', perhaps the host was right when he trashed negative media responses. Sony Entertainment TV would deem it no less than a hit: the debut show saw a 2.6x rise in viewership for Sony TV compared to its previous weekend programmes for the 9 PM - 10 PM time slot.
'The Kapil Sharma Show' successfully attracted an audience of 54 Million viewers across India - a number significantly higher than the 44 Million viewership for 'Bajirao Mastani's world TV premiere on Colors. Pitched against various prime-time shows on other major GECs, 'The Kapil Sharma Show' managed to be a top player for the prime-time (9 PM to 10 PM) slot on 23rd April.
Looking at a 15-minute slot-wise analysis, 'The Kapil Sharma Show' experienced a fairly good viewership, making the highest touch during the 9:30 PM - 9:45 PM slot with 28 Million people watching the show. Uttar Pradesh claims the top of the list with a 14.7% share of the total viewership.
Kapil Sharma ended his stint on 'Comedy Nights With Kapil', attracting a viewership of 34 Million viewers for his last episode on Colors. 28% of this audience loyally continued to follow 'The Kapil Sharma Show'.
Backed by strong numbers, the new show has not only superseded other competing prime-time programmes, but has also boomed viewership for Sony Entertainment TV.
Kudos to Kapil Sharma who has gotten it right again!