Indian TV channels have been catering to the appetite of family drama through vamp bahus, fight for multi-billion family businesses and over dressed women for a long time now. However, themes pertaining to the younger generation have been barely explored and such shows are far fewer in number. Channel V though is one channel that has been actively trying to penetrate the youth through shows like “Suvreen Guggal- Topper of the year” and “Dil Dosti Dance” that have gained reasonable popularity amongst the youngsters. Stories about the struggles of a 20 something for love, career, independence and family gets the youth hooked, even if the plot is a little weak.
Channel V is now taking youth centered themes even further through their new avatar ‘Channel V – Correct hai’. The tagline “correct hai” is not meant to portray the arrogance of the youth but rather it reflects how youth these days increasingly like to take charge of their lives rather than toeing the conventional lines imposed on them through family and society. We are not really sure if this implicit thought will translate into good and relevant content but nevertheless, let us give them credit for the thought. With this new persona, Channel V is coming up with four new fresh and exciting shows. Let’s take a quick look at them.
Sadda Haq
The rather interesting promo shows how a boy has to serve tea when the girl sits and judges him for her prospective groom and how the groom sheds tears when he has to leave his family after the wedding. Although a juvenile attempt, it still gets a grin on every girl’s face. This show is the story of a Delhi girl who is trying to challenge the various norms of our patriarchal society. Catch it every Monday – Saturday @ 6:30 PM starting 25th November.
Confessions of an Indian teenager
Vaibhav, the show’s host, will take you through fears, insecurities, guilt and complexes of teenagers through some real confessions from people. Besides the entertainment value, it could also be an ideal place for parents to get an insight into the next generation’s lives. Let’s hope it does a better job than crime reality shows which instill more fear than awareness. Catch it every Monday – Tuesday @ 6:00 PM starting 25th November.
This show reminds us of the popular English sitcom - Revenge. Roshni, an 18 year old enters college to act upon and avenge the mysterious death of her sister. She transforms herself into being unforgiving and brutal in this quest where she faces college bullies and administration. We are sure you are curious why it’s named Paanch. Well, there is only one way to find out. Tune into this all new Channel V show on Wednesdays - Thursdays @ 6PM starting 27th November.
It’s complicated
This fun series will definitely be welcomed by all the people who liked the movie “Pyaar ka Punchnama”. What women want and what men don’t want are questions that would always remain rhetoric, but an attempt to address them will almost always result in a good comedy. I have set reminders for this one on ZAPR and I suggest you do that too as this show kickstarts on 29th of November.