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How we got 1,40,000 people to switch TV channels: Real Time Mobile Targeting Case study

Ever wondered just how successful movie promos are at getting people to actually watch them on Broadcast TV?

Zapr Media Labs helped a leading English movie channel capture higher genre share by targeting viewers of competitor channels. We did this by finding a way to reach out to English movie channel viewers in India and displaying movie promos on their smartphones on the same day the movies aired on TV.

We then measured the effectiveness of the mobile display and video campaign by tracking which of these smartphone users, who were exposed to the creatives, actually converted and switched their TVs to our client’s channel.


Objective: To increment client’s channel viewership by targeting people who watch competitor English movie channels. Track effectiveness of the movie promos on mobile and attribution of the campaign.

Our challenge basically broke down to 3 core elements:

  1. Target only the individuals who consume competitor English movie (TV) channels and
  2. Show the movie promos to them on smartphones on the day the movies aired on TV, to ensure higher viewership / recall
  3. Measure and Attribution: Track effectiveness of campaign by mapping viewers who watched the Movie on TV after viewing the display or video mobile ad on their smartphones targeted by Zapr.


We adopted a day-by-day targeting strategy reaching out to Target Groups with the creatives of specific movies airing on that day. For example, if X-Men: Evolution was airing today, we push out promos of only X-Men: Evolution on that day only. This was to ensure highest recall among people who watched the promos and highest conversion probability.

To ensure even better impact, we executed highly accelerated targeting by reaching out to unique sets of viewers every single day with frequency cap of three times per day. With this we achieved maximum brand exposure within a short span of 24 hours to achieve viewership conversion.

Competitor targeting: We targeted viewers of competitor English movie channels for two reasons:

  1. They were most likely to take interest in the client’s broadcast content
  2. Real time targeting would enhance the client’s mindspace among target groups at the right time.

(To receive the latest case studies and data insights from Zapr Media Labs, subscribe to our newsletter.)


We identified our Target Groups across the Zapr audience pool comprised of more than 35 million smartphones in India. The campaign was executed on Facebook using Zapr’s device targeting, across our premium app publishers and also our massive exchange network comprised of hundreds of top apps. Targeted individuals were shown display and video ad units for each promoted movie during the client’s TV marathon.  

Zapr engaged with viewers of English movie channels like Star Movies, Pix, Zee Studio and others.

Creatives: Video, Display Banners, Full Screen Display Interstitials

Campaign duration: December 2016: 15 days

Through the campaign’s duration, we actively monitored ad spends and optimized the flow between different inventory sources. This maintained the campaign’s consistency in targeting the right audiences and considerably impacted key metrics.


Reach: 2 million individual watched the campaign on their smartphones.

Conversions (from mobile campaign to TV viewership) ranged from 4.45% to 12.46%, averaging to 7.4%.

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Zapr’s cutting edge technology doesn’t stop at targeting. Our campaigns provide unique data of targeted viewers, from TV viewing patterns broken down to various granularities of specific time and geography to the kind of mobile handsets used by viewers.

This campaign analysis revealed that 33% of targeted English TV audiences own devices priced more than Rs.20,000.. Zapr’s targeting not only ensures highly optimized audience engagement but provides valuable consumer insights to content providers.

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Detailed report of the campaign provides other metrics such as daily reach, comparison between effectiveness of different creatives, weekday-weekend performance. If you’d like to access similar reports and run data-driven campaigns, directly reach out to us at hello@zapr.in.

The campaign performance metrics further feed into Zapr’s repository of smartphone-user data. Coupled with intensive TV viewing behaviour studies and an expansive ad-tech network, Zapr can be leveraged by broadcasters, OTT content providers and brand advertisers to optimize their campaigns with similar audiences or various new audience segments in the market.




Zapr Media Labs
Zapr Media Labs
Latest resources on TV Advertising, Cross-media Marketing and Consumer Research.

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