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Cord Fakers | How To Grab The Attention Of Distracted TV Viewers

Do you often find yourself scrolling on your phone while you’re watching TV, especially when ads start playing? 

If this is relatable, congrats! You’re officially a cord faker.  

And there are 16-20 million more people like you we know who do this on a regular basis. 

Cord fakers are “distracted audiences” who pay very little or no attention to what’s happening on the TV screen, and divide screen time between TV and their mobile phones.

In other words, they’re “faking” TV viewership because although it looks like they are watching TV, they aren’t very attentive to what’s playing on it. 

Cord fakers constitute a sizable chunk of more than 35% of the TV universe. If your brand is advertising on TV, GRPs cannot justify its impact on this sizable segment.

cord fakers

But here’s the silver lining. 

Since they are split between TV and digital, these inattentive audiences can be won back with more targeted engagement on digital.

By effectively reaching out to cord fakers on their mobiles instead, brands can grab eyeballs for their campaign ads. This way, brands can plug the gaps which traditional TV measurement systems can’t detect.

Using Zapr’s exclusive segmentation capability, a brand can identify who among their TV exposed audiences are inattentive viewers, and target them on digital at higher frequencies.  

How to reach Cord Fakers:

Cord Fakers are one of Zapr’s group of Smart Segments which are available on Data Management Platforms (DMPs) such as Lotame. They are accessible as always-on segments that can be used anytime for any digital campaign! Additionally, we upload custom segments created based on client requirements.

The good news is, now you can seamlessly find TGs like Cord Fakers who are hard to reach and target them on digital platforms! 

By building more frequency on digital with Cord Fakers, brands can plug TV exposure gaps and ensure that even those who haven’t paid attention to your TV ad know about your brand.smart segments banner-2

Sruthi Veer
Sruthi Veer
Content writer ( + guitar & pool player) at Zapr Media Labs.

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