Addressing Gaps in Ad Exposure with Smart Segments

Written by Sruthi Veer | Jul 30, 2020 7:55:21 PM

Digital consumption during the lockdown phase has seen several spikes and shift in patterns. As marketers are heavily focused on placing the right ads to the right TG, they are now looking for predictive, deterministic, and highly granular data. 

With the market picking back up, brands are also driving campaigns to retain their share of voice. But due to the lack of TV ad exposure data for large-scale audiences, current digital plans fail to achieve brand objectives in a way that is well integrated with TV campaigns. 

Most of the digital targeting capabilities out there cannot sufficiently address the gaps in exposure in a cost-effective way, across audience segments. 

This challenge can be resolved using advanced TV viewership intelligence and deterministic data, which we can provide. Moreover, these segments are easily available on DMPs like Lotame giving an edge of quick plug-n-play feature for brands. 

What is optimal exposure?

When a brand is running an ad campaign, they want to reach their TG with the right frequency of exposure to make them aware and take action. 

This optimal frequency of ad exposure is the “magic number” of times people have to watch a brand’s TV campaign for the highest brand lift (brand awareness, recall, consideration and purchase intent). 

Accordingly, digital engagement is directed either towards increasing “awareness” or pushing audiences towards “action” i.e responding to calls to action (CTAs), or both.

Zapr accurately identifies TVC exposure for audiences and classifies them into the following sections: 

  • Unexposed audiences who have never seen the brand’s TV campaigns.
  • Underexposed audiences who have watched brand ads fewer times than the optimal frequency. 
  • Optimally exposed audiences who have watched TV ads optimal number of times for brand lift.

Furthermore, there are inattentive audiences who are distracted while watching the TVC and do not focus on the brand’s messaging.

The image above depicts a typical media plan wherein there are unexposed and underexposed/ inattentive audiences who do not meet the required audience exposure threshold. These audiences require more frequency of exposure to get more “awareness”, whereas optimally exposed audiences require messaging to push them into “action”. 

For example, an e-commerce brand can customize their digital campaigns based on the different TVC exposure levels of their audiences. They can target unexposed and underexposed audiences on digital with higher frequency caps to increase awareness. On the other hand, they can engage optimally exposed audiences with lesser frequency and have stronger call to actions in their creatives. 

This kind of audience profiling adds deterministic TV intelligence for precise frequency and creative messaging that your digital campaigns need. 

How Smart Segments helps achieve Awareness and Action

Zapr Smart Segments are exclusive media consumption-based audiences now easily accessible for digital advertising through data management platforms (DMP) like Lotame.

Based on TV exposure gaps and levels, we have identified four primary segments:

With a combined strategy of TV plus digital, you’ll be able to execute timely campaigns with relevant segments synced with TV and fulfill media objectives. 

Watch this video to explore each of the smart segments in detail:

Smart Segments can help you maximize brand awareness by building unique new reach over TV. By plugging frequency gaps, you will be able to amplify your brand reach and engagement.

Besides, layering digital on top of TV data can enhance the impact manifold and complement your large TV spends. You can plug in Zapr data into your digital campaigns while still continuing to benefit from lower inventory rates via bulk deals with Google, Facebook, etc.

By using TV intelligence, you can run efficient and effective digital campaigns while your TV campaign is on-air. This will help you achieve overall branding objectives comprehensively across platforms!