Broadcasters, Ensure Your Viewership Doesn’t ‘Bounce’ During IPL

Written by Zapr Media Labs | Feb 17, 2022 7:41:52 AM

IPL is just around the corner, which means you’re probably already wondering how to leverage India’s biggest TV season and ensure you not only retain viewers but also acquire new ones.

The great news is, Zapr can help you win back lost audiences and ensure growing viewership for your channel during IPL! Here's how:

Keep your loyalists close:

Zapr can help you target regular viewers of a TV show or a particular channel with promos (on mobile) to keep them engaged.

…And your competitor’s audiences closer:

Broadcasters can acquire new viewers by targeting the promos (of a show or a special event) to audiences watching competitor channels on their mobile. Also, target these promos to viewers watching competitor shows of the same genre.

Win back the affection of lapsers

Identify people who stopped watching a show or channel and target them with enticing promos. These viewers can be identified and profiled demographically (age, gender), and also by affluence levels based on the kind of phones they use (low, mid, or high priced devices)

Lock target, time-slot wise

Thanks to Zapr’s cutting-edge tech, you can now easily target audiences who are regularly watching TV at certain time slots. For instance, you can promote a new show/event of yours airing at 8 PM by targeting the promo of your show to viewers currently watching competitor shows at 8 PM.

There is an ocean of TV viewership data that you can tap into to understand your audiences and grow viewership. Not only can these insights help you grow and retain your viewers but can also help you understand the kind of content that works best for your audiences. Learn how broadcasters got high engagement and deterministic promo-to-show conversions by engaging TV audiences on mobile during festive and IPL season!

If you’re interested to know more, simply click on the ‘get in touch’ button on top, and one of our media experts will get back to you shortly.