BFSI Leaders, Get Great Returns With A Winning Campaign!

Written by Zapr Media Labs | Jan 27, 2022 8:08:33 AM

The last two years haven't been particularly easy for businesses globally. But this year could shake things up quite a bit. But, what’s special about 2022? Well, for starters, everybody is consuming a lot more content, and TV viewership has risen. This means an effective integrated marketing strategy could give you the highest impact for offline and online campaigns.

Major BFSI players have realized the importance of the digital universe in garnering leads and the way they communicate is portraying a shift towards digital media. The pandemic accelerated this digital transformation, with people switching from physically going to the bank, to handling their finances digitally.


While you might already have an advertising plan in place for your financial products this quarter, here’s how you can drive better outcomes from your TV and digital campaigns.

  1. Target audience segments with higher buying power such as ‘working professionals’, 'parents of young kids,' 'affluent/premium' audiences, etc. in your digital campaigns for optimum engagement.
  2. Target ‘cord cutters’ (digital-savvy audiences unexposed to your TV ads)’ or even competition-inclined segments to move ahead of your competitors.
  3. Accurately attribute TV ads to digital conversions: Track the impact of every TV ad exposure and map it with the actions taken digitally on the app or website, such as installs, call requests, downloads, etc.

We helped Max Bupa, India’s leading health insurance brand, generate 41% higher prospects for ‘GoActive’ Health Insurance by engaging three priority segments on mobile.  Namely, those exposed to their ads, those exposed to competitor ads, and those exposed to surrogate ads. To learn more about the campaign, you can download the case study here.

Zapr can help brands sharpen their targeting and reach relevant target audiences, at optimized costs. We can also provide granular insights that brands can use to build a highly efficient TV plan for their target audiences.

If you’re interested to know more, simply click on the ‘get in touch’ button on top, and one of our media experts will get back to you shortly.